
Fantastically fun stories
 for children!

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The History and Influence of Rainbows in Our Stories

  • By Louise Bond
  • 28 Jul, 2018

Rainbows have featured strongly in people’s imagination and children’s books throughout history.

Children's books and films inspired by rainbows
Rainbows are an incredible natural occurrence, dazzling us with their intense colours and ability to appear suddenly and disappear just as quickly.

Sometimes bright and bold and sometimes pastel and faint but no matter how vibrant or pale they appear they are always a wonderfully uplifting sight for the young and old. They make us stop and think for a moment in our busy lives always making us smile.

The beautiful colours of the rainbow have inspired writers and artists since time began - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. They are even the basis for a children’s rhyme and song ‘Sing a Rainbow’ famously sung by Peggy Lee in 1955 and later Cilla Black. More recently it has been sung by CBeebies favourite Mr Tumble (Justin Fletcher) on his programme Something Special and even though factually some of the colours are missing, not sung in the correct order and pink has been added it is still enjoyed and sung by children today.

The most famous song though must be ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’ sung by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz where she sings of finding a land far away and where dreams really do come true. Released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in 1939 ‘The Wizard of Oz’ was one of the first cinema releases to be filmed in ‘Technicolor’ and wowed cinema audiences at the time in a way that we cannot imagine anymore. The film opens in traditional black and white suddenly becoming bright and vivid colours when Dorothy opens the door of her house to the Land of Oz. This was a truly ground breaking film and a huge advance in story telling leading the way to many more fantastic children’s adventure stories being told by film.

It’s no wonder really then that rainbows have captured our imaginations and appeared in many children’s rhyming and story books over the years. Rainbows stir up images of magical lands in the sky, unicorns, talking animals and fairy folk. This may well have all started from the centuries old Irish Mythology that gold was buried at the end of every rainbow and guarded by a Leprechaun but no matter the distance travelled the rainbow could never be reached and so the mystical treasure could never be found. Whatever the origin rainbows in story and picture books, are always seen as friendly, hopeful, safe and magical.

As adults we know now of course that rainbows are just a natural phenomenon that occurs when sunlight shines through raindrops, separating the colours of the visible light spectrum into the beautiful arc of colour that we see displayed in the sky. Still, even though I know this I always smile when I see a rainbow and stare at the amazing natural and slightly magical wonder that they are. We are never too old to dream..........
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By Louise Bond 01 Jul, 2018

Each bubble a gleaming, iridescent sphere of possibility destined to travel through the world of imagination for every child and adult that chooses to wonder – a fantastic story book in the making.

Bubbles capture the imagination of people of all ages, they always have. So simple and yet so complex, so relaxing and tranquil in the way they move. Silent as they float away, higher and higher a bubbles travels can really transport you away with your imagination drifting. As they float across the sky taking you with them on their journeys to far away countries – maybe even different worlds.

From the youngest of age’s children and adults cannot help but watch them as they swirl, twirl and dance around in the air while we wonder if and when they are going to pop! Gleaming and shimmering in the sunlight as they float higher and higher a bubbles beauty and iridescence is unrivalled. Every bubble has a story or a tale to tell.

With all of these amazing attributes bubbles really do lend themselves to being the lead character in a fun rhyming children’s book like Barnaby Bubble – maybe next time you should ask yourself is that Barnaby? Be careful Barnaby! I know my family does!

By Louise Bond 01 Jul, 2018

Bedtime stories help to develop the magic of imagination in young minds, taking your children away from the troubles of early life. From the moment they are born children relax hearing familiar voices. Relaxed tones and nursery rhymes are the best way to soothe babies into a comfortable sleep. As they develop continuing this routine is an important part of strengthening that bond between parent and child while at the same time easing them into speech and even early reading.

We must not forget how younger minds perceive the world and how something meaningless to us adults can play on the mind of children causing stress and anxiety. The comfort and fun of a good rhyming children’s book or bedtime story can be just what a child needs to put these worries to one side while they drift off into an imagination filled sleep!

A good children’s book can take them to a safe place where they create characters in their own imagination while learning the early foundations of reading and language. The power and importance of a great rhyming book with bright, colourful illustrations cannot be overrated.

There is nothing quite as magical for parents or children as a good bedtime story. The bond that it creates within a family and the stimulation of young minds is so important and the memories can never be forgotten. All that is takes is a great children’s book and a reassuring voice to deliver the humour of rhyme, taking their worries away and strengthening their developing minds!

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